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Friday 25 November 2011

Finally, Fragrant Freddie's Fab Birthday!!

Hi all... as promised, finally that birthday card for the fragrant Freddie's birthday. I have never done a double tri-shutter before and it was so interesting...

I am posting this as I NEED a break from the brick walls at the end of each phone call I have made this morning!!! Not least of which to a van hire company, who seem to have no humanity at all!!! They want the van back by 8.30 on Monday morning, or else they will charge for another whole day... even when I said that Freddie has to be in work before they open at 8 and I have to take the boys to school at the same time that they need the keys!!! Total intransigence - oh well... I am trusting the Dao and just going with it, and something will turn up...

So that card... get a cuppa and sit a while as there are quite a few photos... well there was a lot to decorate... hurrah!!

 Tim Holtz and Kanban... + some bundled twigs to distress... I made it 8x8, which is a size I love to work with...

 This is the first layer, just inside the left front, with letters from DCWV Tattered Time stack - I LOVE that paper!!! I have a kit, from the wonderful Laura Denison, I am about to start on, which uses that stack... amazing!!

 This is inside right, with his age and homage to our fabulous balloon ride in Egypt - onwards and upwards!!! Of course, I made this when I thought things were going up!!! Nothing feels up just now, but I know it will again soon...

 The papers at the back and beind the wooden "love you" letters, are stamped by my own fair hand with a variety of stamps and techniques... fun to do.

 This is as full on open as I managed to photograph... it's a great fold this one... I shall try it again.

 Here is a close up of that stamped paper... with the ghost of a lady, lurking!!! Freddie only noticed her 3 days later!!! She is from a cube by Stamp Addicts and I have used her a lot lately - she reminds me of the cogged-haired lady in the Graphic 45 Steampunk Debutante stack...

 This is the intriguing back view of the folds, with one of the dangly watches showing...

 The previous 2 photos are of the back of the card.... I made a pocket and put a journaling ticket in it with my message to Freddie...

So there we are, full circle. He LOVED it and was mystified how it was made... I made him an oriental "thank you" card but forgot to take a picture!!! Still, he will bring it home and I will show it you then. His workmates were also astounded as to how it was made and I may get some commissions in the new year, as so many of them were impressed, not only with this one, but with the decoupaged oriental one too...

Well, dear friends and followers, hope you are not too bored, and thanks so much for coming over for a peep. Thanks also for all the wonderful words of compassion and support you have all left, to help me get through this difficult time, preparing for my mum to arrive next week. I am by turns angry, anxious and upset with all the stuff to do, and all the obstacles people want to put in the way, but I expect I shall cope in the end!!! Thank goodness, too, for the fragrant Freddie - he is just a total good egg!!
Love and light

Tuesday 22 November 2011

WOYWW - Cheating Again!!!

Well, that week went by  like the clappers which means I only have another and two days before mum is whisked off in a puff of smoke and lands here in her new home!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For those who are in the dark, please see my previous post. Yep, mum is coming to live with us... eeekkk, frightening...!!! So what do I have for your delectation this week, chez Julia at Stamping Ground...?? well it's this...

 And the cupboard was bare!!! We have stored the stuff in the boxes and the men are coming on Wednesday dinner time to take the furniture etc off to storage. The top, middle cupboard is a booze cupboard, with a dropleaf door... the booze is now relegated to the garage!!! Gulp!!

Standing in the doorway, this is the view into the room, with yet another empty cupboard... to your right, but out of shot, is the previous cupboard...  So this is my workspace this week, getting the room cleared and making room for new stuff, coming on Thursday... Those eagle eyed amongst you will spot my Misty "Fluffy" cat - the grey one of the kittens I thought would die cos of his poorly back legs... just look at him!!! Big fluffy lump!!! He thinks he is staying in here, but I am about to disabuse him!!!

Well that is it for today. Not much crafting done, I'm afraid, but I WILL get to it soon, when I have done a few more phone calls, filled in more forms and sorted more stuff!!!... please keep sending those great vibes to keep me going, I can feel them and really appreciate it...
Love and Light