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Wednesday 14 March 2012

WOYWW #145 - Finished and New...

Well another whishhh and whizzz, and someone turned my clock to Wednesday, AGAIN!!! Unless there are secretly more Wednesdays in a week than any other day ... mmmm... - well she finally lost it, guys!!! And we all know what THAT means, eh?? WHAT!!! YOU don't know??? Well whatever planet have you been on... blast off to the Stamping Ground and get enlightenment!!
I have finally finished the outside and inside paper work of my suitcase. Only remains the trimmings in the inside and the mini to go in with photos... I am really pleased with it for my first, but would try it again now I get the hang of it...

 All the outside closures are on and the handle...

 It's really twee, isn't it?? I will definitely try something like it again... I have ordered another project from the wonderment that is Laura Denison, and that is a curio cabinet - something really different and totally impractical!!!

 The inside is really jolly and it only remains to have it's strip fitted to hold ickle phials of sand and other bits, across the middle of the lid pocket. The mini will fit into the case, with embellies and photos, finally putting to bed the Egyptian holiday, which ended in such chaos so many moons ago!!!

And what is THIS you spy??? Well, I hear you shout, you said you wouldn't get another one, as they have proved so unreliable for you!!!! ... Yes, dear reader, I KNOW you are right, but I tried to use my cuttle bug the other day and I was USELESS - yes, folks, more useless than usual!!! So I am trying again from another supplier, with the forlorn hope that I shall be more lucky this time...

And finally, a new light. I treated myself to an Ottlite, as the desk lamp I inherited from my lovely Pete, finally gave up the ghost the other day... I have a daylight bulb in another lamp, but this one makes it so there are no shadows at all on my desk, yippee!!!

That was finally, because I can't show you what I am working on - if I did I would have to kill you!! tee hee... I have started planning and sorting my DT pieces for The Artist Stamper Team Blog, for next month. I do hope you lot will come and support me when I am finally "on show" !!! ??
Have a great week...
Love and light
PS - mum is having another reasonable week - we took her to watch the boys ride and she thoroughly enjoyed it...

PPS I have a DT call out over on my challenge blog DragonsDream Tag It On ... pop over and have a shuffty or even apply... ??