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Wednesday 20 June 2012

WOYWW #159 - Oh Deary Me!!

Well most of you were very tolerent last week and said my desk was ok... but Oh deary me, this week, I think even the most untidy amongst you will be utterly dismayed!!! And why would that matter??? Well, we love to snoop, and pry and oggle, all with the express permission of the lovely Mrs. Dunnit at the Stamping Ground... she said we could and so we do... but no-one expects (the Spanish inquisition... tee hee for those old enough to remember Monty Python!!!!) to see a scene of such utter devastation!!!

Do I have an excuse, I hear you cry... well a ickle bit yes and a ickle bit no... yes, because I have been in the garden trying to sort the chaos that has been two winters of bad weather - actually, folks, she had one of her "issues" with it again, and could not bear to go in it for months - and no, because I should tidy after a project, and be good!!! The last thing I made was for the Stampman DT challenge, here, and it can be seen on my window sill below...
 So go on... what can you see?? What do you find interesting or puzzling here then?? Feel free to ask or guess!!! And I truly KNOW it's a horrid mess, but am having some problems with the pre-tidy, tidy up!!! I began weeks ago byr seem to have stopped and run out of steam... oh well, wood for trees or something, so I MUST adjust it to cleanliness!!!
 And here are a few ickle pressies I allowed myself this week, some wonderful metal and TH bits, so I shall have a lovely play with them very soon.

And speaking of pressies, I collected my NEW mini yesterday (Monday) It is wonderful - a special Olympic edition, only 2012 made, with leather, heated seats and all sorts of other mod cons... shall post a piccie of it later in the week oif you care tocome back and see!!! She is a beauty, and so comfy... - fewer if even less crafty goodies for you then, my girl, with a ickle jobby to play with!!! Oh well...

I am off then now, as I am trying not to bore you ridgid this week... mother watching and gardening duties permitting, I shall endeavour to be less naughty and get to more of your desks for a snoop this week... keep the comments coming, as they REALLY help on a dark day!!
Love and Light