
Welcome to my blog. Please take a look around and enjoy yourself. I hope my work will give you pleasure and inspiration, but please be kind and don't use any of it as your own.

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Friday 15 June 2012

Stampman Design Team - Lead Week

Hi Readers... back on Firefox to upload my pics... what a pain blogger is at times eh?? But at least it puts me back in business.

So today, it's my turn to lead the Stampman Challenge blog DT for the next game.. The theme Jill chose for me was Time or Travel - well, right up my street eh?? So thanks Jill!!
 I decided to have a TH car as the focalpoint of my piece, which is 8x8...  I also used tickets and metal pieces of idea-ology.
 This is shot of the whole piece. Tickets, vintage photos, images of cars and related memorabilia...
 I made a compass and popped it on a chain with a threepenny bit charm.. There is a sun charm at each top corner.
 The all-important clock, to tell what time to depart for the next leg of the journey.... made from a Graphic 45 brass flower with TH bits and spinners added.
 The background paper is from 7 Gypsies, with a Union flag and a passport, appropriate for my journey along the scenic route.
So it now takes pride of place on my windowsill for a while, as inspiration in the coming weeks. I really had a quiet day, on and off, sitting planning, making and creating my piece, so I hope it helps to inspire those joining in Jill's challenge. She offers a great prize, so why not have a go and enter your own piece over there.

So there you have it. Thanks for coming to have a look, and I hope you will leave a comment.
Love and light
PS I would also like to submit this piece to the following challenges:-
Simon Says Stamp and  Show - anything goes

Wednesday 13 June 2012

WOYWW #158 - They Keep Multiplying!! - UPDATED

Morning, Evening, etc wherever you are in the world. Welcome to another WOYWW, facilitated so adeptly by our great leader, Julia at the Stamping Ground... where would we be without this each week?? - up a creek without a paddle, or an excuse to blog!! - Welcome, also, to my week from a little hell!!! Mum has been poorly, with a cyst in her nether regions - oh very nicely evaded!! - which necessitated calling out of hours service at 8.30am on Saturday morning no less!!! And THAT was a battle and a half... she has antibiotics and a sore spot... and has done much complaining of same ALL week, until today...

And what of myself, I hear you cry - well, maybe not but she will tell you anyway, you know what she's like!! - My blood pressure is no longer elevated... no, it's UP and mostly high!!! OMG, I NEVER have high BP, even carrying 2 babies... oh well. Freddie bullied me into going to the docs on Friday. And did that get it sorted??? - no actually, she saw a "doctor" who is not her own who told her to keep monitoring it!!! drip!!! Various appointments with social type peeps and a visit with dear daughter to the hospital for a check on that ankle, have precluded a second visit, but I PROMISE to go on Thursday morning, honest... - yeh, we will believe that when we see/read it

So what delights do I offer here then?? - opps, be prepared for that desk again, folks, you know how sluttishly untidy she is!!

OMG I HATE blogger... I have been trying, with absolutely NO success, to load photos here... they are loaded, in fact, but won't save, so only this text will save... so sorry not to have pics... kinda defeats the object eh??? Suffice it to say the desk is untidy and the new album is coming along SO well....

Any ideas?????
Love and light

Well at last I think I have cracked it, so pictures without more ado!!!
 See...told you it was messy!!! And it's just how some of you imagined eh???
 They are multiplying!!! The latest one, nearest the camera, is an amalgamation of a design by Laura Denison and a similar one from Kathy Orta... using my own measurements, so that it will fit in the suitcase!!
 I am using a mixture of DCWV Tradewinds and Bo Bunny Weekend Market - which IS to die for... I now have to buy more sheets to sniff and stroke, after cutting into so many of them - that sent the BP high again too!!! tee hee
 And this is my cover, with some triple embossing using antique gold, a lapis blue and some gorgeous Egyptian stamps... well, enough already, and so SORRY for the topsy turvy nature of my post... I have used a different browser to get this far, so hurray and farewell!!!
Love and Light
PS Thanks for coming back, if you did!!!! and here is my tag for TIO, as a bonus prize!!! tee hee - Industrial Chic, no less, so why not join in?? xx