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Wednesday 22 August 2012

WOYWW #168 - About How I Feel!!! (Updated)

Hello Wyggers everywhere... Oh I missed you all last week, as I did not manage to blog at all, and never found time to do much... the morning/evening carer has been off for 2 weeks - well almost, but not yet - for Eid... and all hell has been let loose chez moi!!! OMG... some carers seem not to have any sense and are not worth the name!!! (I should have said that there have been replacements ... a DIFFERENT one every time!!! Late, rude, no English, incompetent, you name it, we've had it!! Very wearing...)

Suffice it to say that things have not gone smoothly here for a while and I feel let down... I let the office have it with both barrels this morning after the ministrations of one particularly rubbish visit!!! Would not be so bad if they actually came on time, or thereabouts!!! - enough, already, don't bore the pants off your readers mrs. woman...

So I have been working on the cruise album a little and have started another for the coming holiday - nothing like being prepared!! and is she prepared?? NO!! not a single thought about clothes or anything, but she is doing an album!!! mad - to Turkey over my birthday time, as usual... Anyhoo, here is what I have made - hurrah, we thought you would NEVER get to business!!!
 So this is the thought behind my title... it's a TIO DT piece for today, Wednesday, for the recipe "It's Art for Art's Sake" using a homemade background, interesting character(s) and a quirky twist. And the character looks JUST like I feel!!! - poor soul...
 I used a TH stamp for the background, along with a quirky stamp from a set which includes the eye, hand, and body of my character... naughty girl is showing herself here, in this bottom corner!!
 This head is a Lynne Parrella creation... lovin her stamps, they are SO outlandish but so neat!!! Watch the birdie land on her head from the tag hole... swoop!!
 So me, juggling and failing... hands -we notice that there are 2 left ones!!! - not succeeding in keeping control... head trying the recede into a shell - oh shut up Gaywood, you are getting silly now!!!
Anyway, I really enjoyed creating it, silly and fun, and odd as it is, mostly with all TH new colours... and it does sort of sum up how I feel just now... oh well, this too shall pass. If you are STILL in the dark about WOYWW, pop over and look-see at Stamping Ground with the lovely Julia and the rest of the world at your feet... well, at the end of you fingertips, at least!!!
Love and Light
PS - opps, she went and forgot the desk shot completely!!! typical... laters, maybe!! silly moo...


Hazel said...

Sorry to hear of the hassle you've had. Fab crafting as ever. Hazel WOYWW #8 x

Bridget Larsen said...

that is really inconvenient of them to leave you to your own devices for two week sheesh. Love that tag you are doing
Bridget #7

Netty said...

Loving your brilliant quirky tag. Sorry to hear things are not good. Hope it all gets sorted soon and you can have a bit of a break. Hugs Annette x

Joynana said...

Sounds like you have had a really lousy time. But, you tell the story with a funny twist. Love your tag. #25

Spyder said...

Loving the tag it is amazing! Thank you soooo much for my snoop! Have a lovely crafty week Happy WOYWW!! ((Lyn)) number 18

scrappymo! said...

I am glad you were able to make this fun and arty tag...sounds like you have had a rough couple of weeks. That is such a drag...my Mum is elderly and needs help and I find it amazing how some people go into that carer field and have zero empathy or common sense!

505whimsygirl said...

Wow. I'm blow away by all the detail in your tag. One of the photos really shows the embossing really neat.

Hugs, Kay #30

fairyrocks said...

Love all your details on your tag. Nice background music too.
Keep smiling and creating

Katie said...

I love that tag! I can totally relate to image too. *sigh* that's life sometimes!

Thanks for sharing!

Katie (39)

Helen said...

Two weeks and they couldn't find a replacement????? You must be shattered... Love your tag, it is great. I think I didn't interpret your theme so well.... you'll see later!
Hope you get time to pack for your holiday soon...before you go anyway! Helen 19

Queenie Jeannie said...

Sorry you've had a rough time of it lately!! Crafting is always the best therapy though!

Jeannie #62

Inkypinkycraft said...

You poor thing! You must be exhausted..why cantthese people get things sorted...honestly!! The wouldnt last a few hours..
.sending you love...
Your tag is amazing by the way!
Hugs trace x

okienurse said...

It is hard having to deal with shoddy caregivers. I used to work home health and I was always checking up on the caregivers cause no one was making sure they were doing their job so I took it on. It is a crappy job for low pay (the business giving the assignment gets the big money the workers don't) and they know if they don't give it a 100% they can have another job before dark. Not a comforting thought I know. Love your tag project. Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #68

Ali H said...

Glad to see you have still been so wonderfully creative despite all the stress - I keep looking at the Lyn Perella stamps but don't know what to do with them ! I think Art for Art,s sake does sum up her creations ! Love what you have done with them ! Ali #54

Judys Lace Creations said...

Gosh, life can be so tough caring for our elders.Feel angry for you over lack of care by some of those so-called "Carers". Most I have found are nice, and skillful.I wonder how such lovely people work for so little thanks (or money).

Unknown said...

Like your unique Collage!

Tertia said...

Sounds like you really had a terrible time. You did make me smile though, always better if you maintain a sense of humour through it all I say.
LOVE the new album, who needs clothes anyway? The album is way more important.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #52

Jenny Marples said...

Sounds like you've had a nightmare time. Thank goodness for future hols plans. Love the way you have put these stamps to good use. Hugs, Buttons #81

jude said...

Absolutely stunning hunni!As carers go i've been there and fully understand the frustration that goes with it.as you say some so rude,dont turn up when surpose to and when they do can't speak english and just look like they just havent got aclue what to do!My dad got so annoyed told them were to go in the end.Told social services what he thought !
hope things improve have a stress free week if possible
hugs judex 57

Unknown said...

I hope you manage to get sorted soon. Your tag seems to be managing to think of many things whilst doing many things. I hope you manage it to. WOYWW Hugs to you from Helen 15

Karen McAlpine said...

Very quirky!! Love it!! Great background.

Francesca said...

Never mind about the desk, tag looks great. Francesca #99

Eliza said...

Now you have got it off your chest do you feel better? I would, I love your quirky post it has made me smile and laugh, thank you and that tag is just awesome and manic too.

Happy crafting,
Eliza #24

Monique's art said...

So sorry you hAd a bad time hope things will get better for you. I do love your tag though. The figure you created is awesome and i love the bg

ElizabethR said...

Can I come, please?????? Fab tag Honey, chin up and think sunshine thoughts. Love Elizabeth xxx

Danielle said...

Sorry that you are having all of that trouble, but at least you are managing some creative time. dani137

Elizabeth said...

This too will pass ... that's my mantra too when things are going badly. I'm so sorry to read that things are going badly for you - you really need that holiday, by the sound of it and making the album must make it seem closer too and making the tag looks like therapy. Hope your day has gone better and your week improves. Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #105

Words and Pictures said...

Deliciously quirky and humorous piece when I'm sure you were feeling anything but good-humoured with all those problems with the carers. Good for you, and happy WOYWW!
Alison x

May said...

Hi Frankie... sorry to hear of the last two weeks.. you must be worn out!! think of your hols.. Well the Tag is simply AmAzing.. love it all.. the little figure is Brillant.. very quirky.. great colours... Hope you have a good week, Hugs May x x#4

Silvia(Barnie) said...

A fantastic tag with great details, love all the texture on it. Sorry to hear about the last time, hope it will turn out better soon.

Unknown said...

Love your blog oh and your work is stunnung oh and your music sooo relaxing i dont want to leave yor page thanks awesome !!! j

Sarah said...

Fabulous project Frankie! Very imaginative and original. Love the colours you have used.

Sarah x