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Monday 8 October 2012

Wave me Goodbye!!!

...And wish me luck... !!! I am just about to go to the hospital for my knee operation today. It will be my 4th total replacement in just over 5 years!! You would think I would be a dab hand but, of course, I am very scared!!! Still, can't do with the pain I have just now, so it will be ok afterwards when stuff heals.

Meanwhile, here is me being a bronzed goddess, up top the Acropolis a bit more than a week ago!!!  This was a triumph to get up there, in my condition!! and a big hill to climb in other, more spiritual ways...

Anyway... I have my iPad with me so I HOPE I feel like looking if you feel like leaving me a message!!!
Love and light


ElizabethR said...

Gorgeous bronzed goddess or what! Hope everything goes well today.I will be thinking of you. Lots of Love Elizabeth xxx

blackdragon said...

Good luck my friend.... you're in my thoughts and prayers ALWAYS.
love lynx

Helen said...

Wishing you all the best - lovely to see you in your sunny photo!
Take care, get back on the mend soon!

Gabrielle said...

Waving and wishing you oodles and oodles of love and luck! Gosh that tan would cheer anyone up! Much love x

Hettie said...

Good Luck with that knee Honey. My you do look bronzed. Having torn my knee and had surgery I know a little of the pain you are going through.

Sarah said...

Fabulous photograph Frankie. Good luck with your knee operation.

Sarah x

Monica said...

Wow that,s a lot of replacements.


Sunshine Girl said...

Hope everything goes ok.

Monique's art said...

Fanulous pic. Goodluck with the knee operation will be thinking of you.

Mishelflos Paper Creations said...

Oh Frankie, just seen your Post:( Hope all went well and that you are not in too much pain.

You are very brave to keep going back.
Michelle x

Hilary said...

First time visitor ... I found you from another blog. Hope all went well! And hope there will not be a need for another replacement!

Your work is beautiful!